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+1 253-332-8815
33530 1st Way South, Suite 102, Federal Way, WA.

No Obligation Service Agreement

Infinity Home Health > No Obligation Service Agreement

No Obligation Service Agreement

Once the assessment is complete, we will prepare a care plan based on your requests, your needs and your budget. This is YOUR care plan, customized for YOU. Independence is something we strongly believe in.

Your care plan will be designed to provide just the right amount of care to YOU so that you have the freedom to remain independent in your own home and enjoy a better quality of life. We will ask you for your feedback at this time to ensure that we can meet your expectations.

Once you decide that we are the home health care company for you, the next step is to sign a Service Agreement. This agreement provides you with details regarding our policies and procedures. We very much respect that this is YOUR home. Investing so many years into a home forms a bond, not to mention countless good memories. Therefore, we want to ensure that our caregivers respect your home as much as you do.

This Service Agreement can be cancelled at any time within 30 days notice. All we ask is a reasonable amount of time to settle in (usually a couple of weeks based on how frequent care is needed) and then our service will speak for itself.

We work very hard to make the right match between you and your caregiver, but sometimes a slight adjustment may be required. At any time, if you feel you would like to request a different caregiver, please feel free to contact our office and they will be happy to meet with you to address your concerns and choose a caregiver that is a better match for you.

Compassion is at The Heart of Our Care.